Coco Chanel said to remove an accessory before leaving the house, but please, add another.
Hello everyone and anyone. If you’ve made it to this page, I’m happy to be able to share some of my story and thoughts with you. First off, my name is Amber. I’ve lived in several different parts of the U.S. and currently reside in Denver, CO. Grey Area is created by me and made by me. To be in the grey area means to not conform to a specific set of rules or guidelines and this felt like the perfect name to call my small business. Everything on this site is inspired by my emotions and I’ve wanted to create my own line of jewelry and accessories for years. Since I could dress myself I’ve felt such happiness in sharing my creative expression this way. I’ve been designing my own jewelry for the past 13 (ish) years and am so happy to be able to share this with you. I’m inspired by comedy, glamour, and clean lines. The bags you see on the site are macrame and are completely handmade. Macrame started as a hobby during the pandemic, and I fell in love with what could be created in this form. This line is created for everyone and anyone who wants to feel fab.
Any who, Please reach out if you have any questions or want to share anything with me. I am running this business solo and want to hear from and connect with you. I probably should’ve hired a ghost writer for this section…